Monday, May 2, 2011

I know, about bloody time!

Stunning sunrise over the Murray

Some red thing at Woodside

The Oscar W at dawn

Sunlight bouncing off my flowers from Judy

Second Valley


Patty Rabbit said...


Brad M said...

Nice photos Annie. Have you been using a tripod? My fav is the boat picture, composed well and I dig the reflection/smoothness of the water. Only thing I can suggest as improvements is to work on keeping your horizons straight. You're close enough in camera and you can straighten them with a tool like Lightroom after you shoot. The colour tone of the boat and the sunset are great!

Annie said...

Cheers Brad, yeah, I have a tripod. The boat was taken at about a 20 second shutter speed, so tripod is my friend! Yeah, my horizons are a bit of a bother, apparently my g-pa had the same issue, it must be a herediery 'one leg shorter than the other' thing!!!